Armored Brigade Wiki

Accuracy is the measure of how well the unit can shoot at targets. Each ammunition has a specific base accuracy value which determines the chance to hit at point-blank range with a weapon using that ammunition type.

The accuracy decreases with distance to target and is governed by accuracyRange, the range where accuracy is half of accuracyBase. If set to zero, accuracy is constant at all ranges. The table below details how accuracy behaves for different values.




Range (m)

Target Range (m)
10 50 100 250 325 500 750 1000 1250 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
0.9 4000 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 89.8% 89.7% 89.3% 88.4% 87.2% 85.6% 83.7% 78.8% 72.4% 64.7% 55.5% 45.0% 35.6% 28.8%
0.9 3500 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 89.8% 89.6% 89.1% 87.9% 86.3% 84.3% 81.7% 75.3% 67.0% 56.9% 45.0% 34.5% 27.2% 22.1%
0.9 3000 90.0% 90.0% 90.0% 89.7% 89.5% 88.8% 87.2% 85.0% 82.2% 78.8% 70.0% 58.8% 45.0% 33.1% 25.3% 20.0% 16.2%
0.9 2500 90.0% 90.0% 89.9% 89.6% 89.2% 88.2% 86.0% 82.8% 78.8% 73.8% 61.2% 45.0% 31.3% 23.0% 17.6% 13.9% 11.3%
0.9 2000 90.0% 90.0% 89.9% 89.3% 88.8% 87.2% 83.7% 78.8% 72.4% 64.7% 45.0% 28.8% 20.0% 14.7% 11.3% 8.9% 7.2%
0.9 1500 90.0% 90.0% 89.8% 88.8% 87.9% 85.0% 78.8% 70.0% 58.8% 45.0% 25.3% 16.2% 11.3% 8.3% 6.3% 5.0% 4.1%
0.9 1000 90.0% 89.9% 89.6% 87.2% 85.2% 78.8% 64.7% 45.0% 28.8% 20.0% 11.3% 7.2% 5.0% 3.7% 2.8% 2.2% 1.8%
0.5 1342 50.0% 50.0% 49.9% 49.1% 48.5% 46.5% 42.2% 36.1% 28.3% 20.0% 11.3% 7.2% 5.0% 3.7% 2.8% 2.2% 1.8%
0.25 1898 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 24.8% 24.6% 24.1% 23.0% 21.5% 19.6% 17.2% 11.3% 7.2% 5.0% 3.7% 2.8% 2.2% 1.8%